Monday, 3 February 2014

7 Original Tweets: Recycled

As promised, here are some of my original tweets. They garnered as much response on twitter, as national issues do, from our PM. However I believe that these tweets, unlike the prime minister, deserve another chance. So here they are! Also I would take this opportunity to shamelessly promote my twitter handle @akshayarya1985. I tweet about nothing in particular RTI, women empowerment and changing the system.

  1. I have a caustic tongue, she has an acidic personality, when we fight, we try to neutralize each other. Man do we have chemistry together!
  2. A friend tweets a joke every day exactly at 6.13 pm. Apparently his comedy is all about the timing.
  3. After expensive gifts and a romantic dinner, I and my girlfriend are going to a kick-ass music concert on Valentine's Day. It is an international rock band called Slaves to Social Norms!
  4. I stopped trying to prove that the education system is crap, a long time ago. As soon as I graduated, I felt like I had proved that point!
  5. Yaaaay! Some team in some country won some championship!!! – Some-Club Fan
  6. Stranger: Are you a man who appreciates his wines?
    Me: Not really. I prefer to express my snobbery through books.
  7. Stephen Hawking: Black holes do not exist!
    My stomach: ROOOAAAARRRRR!! 

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